Thursday, April 26, 2018

Episode 49 - Decisions

  Season 4    "Point of Origin"

Episode 49 - Decisions  ( DOWNLOAD | SUBSCRIBE )

FINALE Par 2 of 3 - Aaron's final encounter with PRIME forces them both to rethink the role science plays in our lives.

REMASTERED (Originally Released: October 15, 2015)

Icon Art & Inspiration by Unknown


Aaron................  Aaron (Mesozoic I.N.O. User)
Delaney.............  Delaney (Paleozoic I.N.O. User)
Ezra..................  Ezra (Cenozoic I.N.O. User)
Bridget..............  INO (I.N.O. Unit 02)
                             Computer System Voice
Mike..................  FLASH (I.N.O. Unit 03)


"Black Vortex," "Showdown," "Promises to Keep," "Dark Times"
By Kevin Macleod (